On Friday Sara did a cooking session, and we all enjoyed the scrambled eggs and pancakes. We also started a new project using colored pencils to color in parts of an enormous Paris city map from 1739. The map consists of 25 pages and will cover an area of 5 x 9 feet when we are finished. This project will go on until the end of the year. The class has already noted many of the features of its city planning, its precisely arranged trees in the many gardens, and the Seine River which runs through Paris and surrounds the three islands in its center. They are really examining these features and are often curious as to how their part of the map continues on adjacent panels.
We read the books that we made for the younger class before our partner reading session and the books will be given to the younger class to keep. I think they are all amazing!
On schedule last week we started our project on humans — I covered a baby’s development and the many different rituals and celebrations that various countries do around the world. I did this by making up two handouts that we filled in together in bookcorner. This week I continued this project providing more information on babies and also on other stages of life. After viewing the movie, Babies, I decided not to show it to the class. Even though it is a beautiful movie, it is incredibly slow and I even found it difficult be attentive.
The schedule is very full with the following work: math work book pages, finishing and reading New York Trip writings, a new writing about a picture of three girls drawn by a younger class student, quiet reading as a group, El Anatsui art extension, music, phys, ed., cooking, K’s ducks, K’s most evil people, and journals. We have not had journals as part of the schedule for a while so I think it is time to add it. We also watched a 4-minute video of a man stacking six rocks on top of each other. This video was sent to me by a parent and as we watched it the class made comments like – that is impossible – they probably used Photoshop – and “Wow!” That was amazing!
Thank you to Mechele for talking to us about Rescue Ridge, a non-profit animal rescue group based locally at the Jersey Shore. Rescue Ridge is the charity we have chosen to receive the donations from The Great Mile Walk next week. I hope to see everyone there.
Middle Classers continue to work on their Fibonacci books. The designs they are creating are amazing. All the children have chosen color photographs that they have printed out and will be incorporating into their book and have written their poems.
The students are having so much fun rehearsing for the play and making their costumes. They have been helping each other practice their lines and adding details like ears and tails to their costumes.
Thank you to Mechele for doing a presentation on our chosen charity for The Great Mile Walk, Rescue Ridge. She has provided us with additional information on how our donations will support Rescue Ridge, and we will share that with the students before the walk.
We will be taking a trip to Kateri and since we will be mucking about the frog pond and stream, rain or shine, please follow these guidelines:
- SHOES — closed-toe shoes such as sneakers are necessary (NO FLIP FLOPS OR CROCS ALLOWED)
- CLOTHES — dress in weather appropriate clothing (layers are always a good idea). Unless it’s pouring rain, we will be outside. Make sure your child has a jacket or rain coat if rain is in the forecast.
- NO insect repellent is allowed.
- FOOD — Students need a brown bag lunch and an extra snack and drink.
I am looking forward to moving up week starting on May 7th. If you are a parent of a 3rd year middle classer moving up to the Older Class or a Younger Classer moving up to the Middle Class and have any questions or concerns, please email Jill or try and catch me at the end of the day.
We have had a great week making rain sticks as a part of our environmental program to be used in our music performance in a few weeks. The rain sticks are all very individual, just like the kids in my class! We have also continued sewing our flowers, two of which are already hanging on the wall. Today is C’s birthday so Mr. Majestic Butter Birthday Man, as he informed him we should call him during this important time, received his crown and chose an activity for part of the afternoon. I love this name so much I am asking everyone to call me Majestic Birthday Lady on my Birthday. We have enjoyed having a visiting student with us yesterday and today.
Monday was our control day for our waste-free food day and we collected 23 pieces of non-food waste. Today was our waste-free food day and we collect 25 pieces. We will continue to try other environmentally friendly practices over the next few weeks. We are asking that everyone in my class please bring their tooth brushing charts tomorrow to share with the class.
A big thank you to Mechele for teaching my class about Rescue Ridge, the charity we have chosen to support with donations collected from The Great Mile Walk.
Next week we will be going to Jenkinson’s aquarium. Please make sure you child has an easy to eat snack, a non-cooked lunch, and is wearing layers since we might walk on the beach either before or after our tour. If you have any questions about the trip, please talk to me before Tuesday.
Thanks! Rebekah