It was great having the day in school on Monday, seeing all the kids after the break and having a little time with each class. We had a good staff meeting Monday after school and made general plans for the time up to the February break which includes some conference report writing and self evaluations, as well as preparation for the January 26th open house. Please help with this open house in any way you can. We need parents to talk to visitors and probably to set up and clean up. We will need older children to show visitors around and we have also invited graduates. Mostly we need to advertise the open house. Please put the flyer (click here to view flyer ) up around your neighborhood. Stores, gyms, libraries and eating places are excellent venues for these posters. Also, tell any friends or neighbors who might be interested. Explain that open house is an excellent introduction to the school and then follow-up visits can be arranged for those interested in seeing the classes in action.
A huge thank you for two generous gifts received from TNS families, one was designated for the scholarship fund and the other amazingly generous donation was for the building fund.